China Recipes: Delicious Chicken Noodle Recipeci

Cooking Recipes - Chicken Noodle Recipe
Cooking Recipes - Cooking Recipes China

- 1/2 kg chicken noodles (ready to be purchased in the market)
- 100 ml chicken Oil
- 100 ml soy sauce
- 300 grams of boiled chicken meat and cut into the box
- 3 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce Britain
- 2 chopped leeks
- Caisin, flavoring and fried onions to taste.
- Seasonings are necessary:
- 3 cloves garlic
- 5 pieces of red onion
- 1 tsp Coriander
- 3 cm turmeric
- 3 cm ginger
- 4 para Pecan

Materials to make the broth:
- 2 liters of water
- 1/2 kg chicken bones
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

- Broth: boiled water to the boil, put chicken bones, simmer until the broth fragrant scented. Add the pepper powder and salt.
- Saute the spice paste until fragrant, mature, enter the chicken, stir-fry until the ingredients absorb into the chicken, add flavoring, stir-fry briefly, remove, set aside.
- Enter the 2 tablespoons oil into a bowl of chicken, 1 / 4 teaspoon flavoring.
- Boil noodles and chopped caisin have until cooked, remove and place in a bowl that has been filled with spices, put the chicken 2 tbsp.
- Sprinkle the fried onions and green onions that have been chopped.

Key is in chicken noodle delicacy of chicken oil.

How to make: take the chicken skin and fat, heat the pan over low heat, add 2 cloves garlic digeprak, heat until all the oil out of the skin and chicken fat, oil ready for use.

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