China Cooking Recipes: Hainam Rice

Chinese Cooking Recipes - Hainam Rice
Cooking Recipes - China Cooking Recipes

Rice Ingredients:
- 250 gram Rice
- 500 ml Chicken Broth
- 3 cloves garlic mashed
- 1 cm ginger finely chopped
- 1 tablespoon Chinese wine
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
- 4 tbsp Oil

Chicken Mayonnaise Ingredients:
- 75 grams Pumpkin bligo / diced chayote
- 500 ml Chicken Broth
- Chicken tails give a vinegar on the head, mouth and feet
- 1 tablespoon garlic and the fried ginger
- Salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, Chinese rice wine to taste

Ingredients for souce:
- 5 red chilies cooked
- 10 chili stewed fruit
- Half stewed tomatoes
- 1 tbsp of the fried onion / ginger
- salt to taste

How to make Rice:
- Fry garlic, ginger paste, until the yellow clotted and dried, lift the garlic pulp, set aside for the sauce and sambal.
- Enter the rice in hot oil, stir, add soy sauce until fragrant and add the broth, reduce heat while stirring occasionally, cook until the karonan. Then steamed karonan, until the rice. Hainam rice ready to be served.

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